patricia hunter

The Beach -(where the conscious and unconscious come together)

September 4, 2024

Do you ever wonder what might be going on in your soul below the surface of your everyday worries? What would happen if you put down your to do list for a moment, and just listened to yourself for a minute? Sometimes we never do this unless we are in crisis. Which is unfortunate, but also important, because in a crisis it is important that we have "all have on deck." And what does that mean: 'all hands on deck?' Really? I imagine it means that the ship is in danger and we must save it from capsizing. It can be used as an order to all members of a ship’s crew to report to the deck at once, as in an emergency):

  1. We were roused from our bunks by shouts of “All hands on deck!”

Sometimes only an emergency can wake us up to the fact that we have a mind, we have choices, we are not sleep walking, we are a conscious person, and below the surface of our everyday mind are riches beyond measure in our unconscious. I think this is why the ocean holds such an attraction for so many of us. I think on some level the ocean symbolizes the romance and mystery of not only nature but of ourselves. We might function well enough in the day time, or during easier times, but during the night, during the darkness of our lives, and we all have darkness, then the boundary between our conscious and our unconscious lives become less defined, less rigid, and if we are lucky, more open to communication, through our feelings, thoughts, dreams, and daydreams as well. These communications are precious, and can tell us how to proceed, walking by feelings and insights, step by step, along a new path.

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