I want to thank Martin Gipson, PhD, Juan/John Ramirez, PhD, and Albert Ellis, PhD, for showing me how to be a professional, not only in private practice, but in terms of presenting and publishing research on a national and international level. Without them. my professional life would have been much more limited, and I would have never written the book WHY AM I ALWAYS BROKE; HOW TO BE SANE ABOUT MONEY, with Albert Ellis. The book has helped countless people feel less anxious and overwhelmed about their finances.
Psychology , New York and Idaho
Currently: Private Practice New York, New York
Faculty, Supervisor: Manhattan Institute for PsychoanalysisNew York New York
Faculty: Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Suffolk, New York
Trauma Affiliate: National Institute for the Psychotherapies
New York New York
Level I Certificate in Internal Family Systems-White Plains, NY
The Center for Self- Leadership
Oak Park, Illinois
Level I,II and III Certificates in EMDR
- The Open Center, New York, New York
- Omega, Rhinebeck, New York
EMDRIA (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association)
Austin, Texas
Advanced Specialization in Couples and Family Therapy,
NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
New York, New York
Certificate in Psychoanalysis
Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis
New York, New York
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy
New York New York
Doctorate in Psychology, University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado
Masters in Psychology
(Applied Behavior Analysis)
University of the Pacific
Stockton, California
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
Object Relations I
Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis
Integration of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Psychoanalysis
Advanced Dream ProcessesInterpersonal Psychoanalysis
Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Introductory Psychology
University of Northern Colorado
Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis
New York, New York
Fifth Avenue Center for Counseling
New York New York
Northern Westchester Guidance clinic
Mount Kisco New York
Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship, Bethany College
Bethany, WV 1970
Psi Chi National Psychology Honorary, West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 1972
Academic Fellowship Award, University of the Pacific
Stockton, California 1975
Academic Fellowship Award, University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado 1982-83
Hunter, P. (2023). Considering The Context: Straightjacket Or Holding Environment (Therapist Tendencies Toward Hoarding Power Duringtreatment). Presented at the SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration) XXXIX ANNUAL MEETING. Vancouver, British Columbia, May 11-13.
Hunter, P. (2023). The Contemporary Relational Movement : From One Person Subjectivity To Two Person Context. Presented at the SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration) XXXIX ANNUAL MEETING. Vancouver, British Columbia, May 11-13.
Hunter, P. (2021). Preoedipal Politics. Presented at the Psychology of the Other (Virtual) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
Hunter, P. (2021). The Complexity Beyond the Wall. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association Division 39 meeting Virtual Conference, August, 2021.
Hunter, P. (2021). Revulsion and Fear and Curiosity,: Working with Abusive Alters. Presented at the ISSTD virtual conference, April 2021.
Hunter, P. (2018). "EMDR: An Integrative Psychotherapy Process." Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) Conference, New York, New York, May31-June 2.
Hunter, P. (2017). "Psychoanalysis and Trauma: Room for Improvement." Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 18-21.
Hunter, P. (2016). "Magical Free Association: EMDR, Psychoanalysis and Trauma." Presented at the Second Annual Washington Conference on 'Listening to Trauma: Insights and Actions,' Washington.D.C,, October 20-22, 2016.
Hunter, P. (June 2015). Relational Psychoanalysis to the Rescue: My Work in a Trauma Treatment Clinic. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Hunter, P. (May 2015). Magical Free Association: EMDR , Psychoanalysis and Trauma. Presented at the Saturday Seminar meeting of the National Institute for Psychotherapies Trauma Treatment Clinic, New York, New York.
Hunter, P (Summer,2004) Review of RM Billow’s Relational group psychotherapy: From basic assumptions to passion, Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, Official Publication of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association, Volume XX!V, Number 3, p. 63.
Hunter, P. (Summer 2004). Transforming trauma into something better: my work with female ex-offenders. Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, XXIV (3)p.53.
Hunter, P.(Spring 2003). Trauma, transformation and remembering: A short story. The Participant Observer: The Newsletter of the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis. 3, p.1-3.
Hunter,P., Hirst,B, Klamka,K., Masters,C., & McCorkle,B. & Nowell, M.(1992). Teens and abuse: what you don’t know can hurt you. Booklet made possible by a grant from the Pepsi Cola Company.
Hunter, P. (2017). "Psychoanalysis and Trauma: Room for Improvement." Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 18-21.
Masters, C.,Hunter,P., McCorkle,B & Henderson,G. (1992). You don’t have to be afraid: children talk with children about abuse. Booklet made possible by a grant from the Pepsi Cola Company.
Ellis, A & Hunter, P. (1991). Why am I always broke: How to be sane about money. New York: A Lyle Stuart Book, Carol Publishing Group. Chinese translation, Harcourt Brace International Division, New York. 1993. German translation, Mvg-verlag, Muchen Landsberg ,1993. Spanish translation: Selector Acualidad Editorial, 1992.
Hunter,P. (1991). Psychotherapy with a patient with borderline features. Book chapter in C. Silverstein’s (Ed)Gays, Lesbians, and their Therapists. New York: Norton.
American Psychological Association, Division 39, Division 56
New York State Psychological Association, Division of Psychoanalysis
International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
EMDR International Association
SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration)
“Friendship, marriage, psychotherapy, parenting and grandparenting-in fact, any meaningful relationship any time of life- can activate neuroplastic processes and change the structure and functioning of the brain.”